
I picked this book out of curiosity when searching the next book to read after The 5AM Club. It was my husband who said about the book being interesting to read on how we make our decision in a moment without noticing.
As the subtitle read "The Power of Thinking Without Thinking", it talks about our subconscious decision in a split second and how our prejudice and our visual perception strongly control our decision in that moment. The book starts with an ancient greek sculpture discovered being fake by an expert in a split second even though that person couldn't explain logically. It happened after a group of fair amount of experts in different areas already put enormous amount of time to search its any possible unauthenticity and finally ready to display. It was surprising to listen how would that be possible: a. not being discovered by so many experts. b. being revealed its unauthenticity in an instance by an expert. Throughout the book, the author explains, how one person perceives and decides in a split moment and how our brain works to make that decision. And that blink moment of decision also can be taught, trained and improved. This book finishes talking about what made our classical music industry change started. It was a blind audition that limited our visual conception and prejudice but forces to focus only on the music itself. And that perception was how the idea about this book was formed from author's personal experience of his appearance change. I vaguely knew that we made certain decisions from our instinct even though people would say that they considered the matter thoroughly. This book clarified me with scientific facts and research results on how and why we make blink decision and how that affects in our daily life. And that can be taught, trained and improved in order to prevent misjudgment that could lead any mistake.