Good to Great
- March 9, 2021

After finishing The 5AM Club, I was pumped in high spirit and wanted to read another self development book. I wanted more inspiration. I went through my library in Audible and this book caught my eye.
This book is based on research lead by Jim Collins who questioned if there are companies that went through difficulties and became long-term great companies. If so, what are their unique characters that made those companies to become great.
The research group chose several comparison companies in several industries to study and analyze to see what makes them to leap or fail. They found this 7 characters to be "Good to Great".
7 Characters
- Level 5 Leaders
- First Who, Then What
- Confront the Brutal Facts
- The Hedgehog Concept
- A Culture of Discipline
- Technology Accelerators
- The Flywheel
- Becoming a level 5 leader: A humble but very driven person is definitely the kind of person/leader I want to be. I want to give positive impact around but it's not my place to get spot light. They are the ones who achieved from whatever impact I gave them.
- First who, then what: This surprised me. I thought "WHAT" is really important to begin anything. It said opposite,
- I did learn after many years, what drove me to a better place was really people around me. Having great, fun, humble, wise and discipline people around made me improve and grow.
- Confronting the Brutal Facts: From Brené I already learned if I can't face vulnerability which in fact, can be the Brutal Facts, I can't grow.
- The Hedgehog Concept: Focusing one the right goal is very important rather than starts and quits when things get on the way. The great insight was a finding the right goal from the three circles of "What you are passionate about", "What you can be best at" and "What drives your economic engine".
- A Culture of Discipline: Again, it's having discipline people around to me. Having my discipline husband helps me stay in discipline life.
- Technology Accelerators: I recently learned that if I have my phone around, I can't focus. The computer, my tablet and my phone can be just a way of entertainment or distraction unless I use them for my initial intension.
- The Flywheel: This one really gives me a clear image in my mind. Of course it will be hard at the beginning when you spin a Flywheel, the first few turns will be hard because it's the beginning. Later, it will be easier but you can't stop. That's how you stay great.