Leaders Eat Last

Somehow I didn't have much expectation on this book. I thought this book was about just simply leaders being sacrificial, responsible or considerate to their people and nothing more.
This book in fact, provided me much more insights, thoughts and information than I expected. Perhaps, I had such low expectation and indeed this was a good book, that made this book great to me? Maybe... What I really can tell for sure is that, this book does talk about leaders being responsible and sacrificial for their group of people but really in full details with examples and scientific reasons behind it. I got to learn so much about chemicals in our body triggering our behaviors and got me to think about why I felt certain ways in my previous jobs and why certain organization or company are considered to be great place to work for and why the current politics are severely divided. Also, thinking forward how I can be a good leader to my kids and in my future job.
Here are some perspectives got my attention.
- cultivating a circle of safety: Without feeling being safe, people can't trust nor share their ideas. The way you can develop the safe environment is by exercising empathy. If leaders put their people first instead of their revenue by recognizing, respecting, trusting them, people will feel safe, happy and eventually thrive on their tasks and that will make the company great to work for.
- Endorphin + Dopamine(personal) drive each person to get her needs and achieve her goals.
- Serotonin + Oxytocin create(cooperative) create trustful and safe environment to work together as a group.
- Cortisol: The chemical to protect from treats. This chemical changes our body to a survival mode and prevent to release Serotonin nor Oxytocin. Constant Cortisol release in the body will eventually shut off immune system damaging person's health.
- Culture makes company. Culture is the leader. Leaders has to set the tone with honesty, integrity and accountability to set the company on a good foundation.
As a mom of 2 kids, I couldn't stop thinking about me as a leader of them.
- The importance of empathy: How to create a safe and trustful environment in order them to thrive and to be healthy.
- The work of Endorphin and Dopamine: Why we were drown to devices all the time. Why social media or technologies are addictive and can be more dangerous to them.
- The work of Serotonin and Oxytocin: How social chemicals work in a group environment and how my kids can exercise to create happy and safe place where they will be as a leader.