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Carrot Tart With Ricotta and Feta

Carrot Tart With Ricotta and Feta

This creamy and sweet/savory carrot tart is a great party company.

*This recipe is based on NYT cooking. This story is about MY experience of the recipe.*

One summer day, I was craving for a somewhat different dish than my usual recipes. I wanted some vegetarian food for summer.

I looked through vegetarian recipes from NYT cooking and found this recipe. This photo popped out of the recipe. It was colorful and pretty but looked delicious. I love baked carrots. They have pleasant sweetness. I never thought carrot with cheese in a tart would make it well balanced with savory and sweet, flaky and creamy. This recipe sounded promising!

I gathered ingredients and cooked. The recipe was easy to follow and the result was great! Both of my kids liked it. I served it on the side for lunch with a friend. He also liked it. I also brought this for a BBQ lunch 2 times. People liked it.

I hope you enjoy this recipe as well!

Carrot Tart With Ricotta and Feta

Prep Time: 10 mins
Cook Time: 50 mins
Total Time: 1 hour
Serving: 8 servings
Original Author: Sue Li

Author's Note

I have tried with different pie pastries. When I tried with the pie crust/dough from Whole Foods, the crust was puffy and chewy. When I tried with the pie crust/dough from Trader Joe's, the crust was crumbly. Keep in mind what texture you are looking for.

I made them with more garlic and less garlic. In my opinion, more garlic tends to be better than less. It balances out the cheese's flavor nicely.